Many activities take place in our Parish Hall complex.
(10 Station Road Castledawson, BT45 8AZ)
Mon- Scouts 6pm (scout Hall) Dance classes from 8pm.
Tues- Toddle In (parents and toddlers) 10:30am-12:30
Bowls from 7:30pm
Wed-Weekly Prayer meeting and Bible Study from 7:30am and fortnightly at 7:30pm(divine conversations) 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
Women's Fellowship (monthly, every 1st Wed at 8pm)
Thurs- Worship Band practice 7:45PM
Fri- Hall available
Sat- Scouts, Network- (scout hall)
Our halls are used by various groups not connected to our church and we open the complex for private use such as birthday parties, community group meetings, health courses and Pilates classes etc. rental agreements and insurance must be in place for all outside groups.